Thursday, January 5, 2012

Quotes Are Wind in the Sails

photo from HowZit Hong Kong

As I began my morning at the office, I always, without fail, add my earbuds and engage my ipod to listen to my daily batch of podcasts. One of my favorite is the 48 podcast with Dan Miller of Franklin Tn. I aways go away with something useful from the podcast. This year, I did not create a list of resolutions. Of course, I am immediately reminded of a quote, "fail to plan and plan to fail." I wondered as I listened to this podcast if I have programmed my year for less than its potential. Luckily as I continued to listen and he illustrates a story concerning sailing, he much like I, had assumed that sailing was relegated only by the direction of the wind; but NO, it is the knowledge of knowing the usage of the wind to go in ANY direction you require….powerful. So many good quotes that are worthless unless engaged. Hope you find some encouragement and spark in just a few of these quotes and incredible podcast.
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